The Sponsor a Senior Program is specially designed so that individuals, companies or schools can directly help a senior in need.
By participating, you or your organization can help a senior become a recipient of a variety of beneficial services. Either one time or ongoing until you decide to cancel sponsorship. In acknowledgment, you will receive a certificate of recognition honoring your participation in the program, and most importantly, the gratitude of the seniors whom you have so generously helped.
What is the cost of the Sponsor a Senior Program?
There are two types of sponsorships. The cost to sponsor a senior for one year ranges between $1000 – $5000, depending on required wig type and design. To help meet this widely varied cost challenge our sponsorships are either shared or sponsored individually.
A. Shared, sponsorship support cost ranges between $50 – $400 per month until you decide to cancel. (Easy for individuals.)
B. Individual, sponsorship is a one-time cost between $1200 – $5000. (Ideal for companies, group’s and organizations.)
What does sponsorship include?
Your help benefits a senior socially, emotionally, and physically. Supporting them throughout and during the end years of their life. Or enabling them to resume their lives with family and friends with healthy activities.
Your sponsorship gift will provide for:
- A guardian coordinator for periodic interaction with senior and for managing sponsorship. (You will receive a monthly report of activities.)
- Once week social support. (Via a variety of local comfort support service providers.)
- Periodic cleaning services provided by local cleaning businesses.
- Seasonal clothing as needed.
- Healthy meal delivery service as needed.
- Medical appointment transportation.
- A part-time nurses aid in addition to insurance provided care. (Individual Sponsorships Level or greater required.)
Is there contact with the sponsored senior?
To participate in our program, we ask each recipient to acknowledge your sponsorship by writing a thank you letter. Or you can remain anonymous if you desire. No direct contact will be made with your sponsored senior adult except through this LSC program.
How to begin your sponsorship?
Simply download the Sponsorship Inquiry Form, fill it out and return. We will contact you back upon receiving your inquiry form.
Either return the form to the address below or by email.
Our email:
Mail to:
Senior Sponsorships
c/o Lorain Senior Center
3361 Garfield Blvd
Lorain, Oh 44052
Or call our office at 440.288.4040 to receive a sponsorship form by mail.